Our mission is to eliminate the causes of equine suffering through education and community outreach programs, rescue abused and neglected equines, and provide permanent sanctuary or selected adoptive homes for those equines.

"I'm so grateful for Redwings Horse Sanctuary!
Please consider adopting or donating to support the all the amazing love and care they give to their rescues."
Daryl Hannah & Mr. G

“Across our nation, there are many abused and neglected horses, ponies, donkeys, mules, and burros that are suffering and in need of care and sanctuary,” said Rep. Panetta. "Fortunately, Redwings Horse Sanctuary right here in Paso Robles provides the resources to rescue some of those animals and give them with refuge, medical assistance, and a pathway to adoption. I’m proud to join my predecessor Sam Farr by supporting Redwings and all that they do to prevent equine suffering across this country, and as a testament for our love and care for animals in our community."